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Beekeeping: selection of bees & life cycle of bees

Beekeeping: Selection of bees & life cycle of bees

Selection of good quality honey bees Selection of good quality bees depending upon floral conditions and capability of...
superbee beeswax

BEESWAX- know everything about it HERE.

From HEALTH and BEAUTY products to candles and home items, one ingredient used in a variety of products-BEESWAX-is the building block of the hive.What is it? Which...
prevent and treat mask acne

How to treat and prevent maskne – “MASK ACNE” naturally

Mask is a necessity for us, but it can cause damage to our skin if we don't take care of ourselves properly...

Bael murabba – The miraculous fruit

Bael Murabba lowers risk of heart attack. It is rich in fiber and helps reducing cholesterol levels of the blood. Bael is loaded with various nutrients which include vitamins A, B1, B2, C and minerals potassium ,iron ,calcium.The bael is beneficial in treating, hepatitis, ulcer and tuberculosis. Bael also called as wood apple is native to India. The fruit comes from the bael tree.
कोरोनावायरस की वजह से होनेवाले बेरोजगारों को रोजगार देगा मधुमक्खी पालन !

कोरोनावायरस की वजह से होनेवाले बेरोजगारों को रोजगार देगा मधुमक्खी पालन !

कोरोनावायरस का असर सिर्फ इंसानों के स्वास्थ्य पर ही नहीं, बल्कि यह दुनिया भर में रोजगार के लिए भी खतरनाक साबित होने वाला...