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Bael murabba – The miraculous fruit

Bael Murabba lowers risk of heart attack. It is rich in fiber and helps reducing cholesterol levels of the blood. Bael is loaded with various nutrients which include vitamins A, B1, B2, C and minerals potassium ,iron ,calcium.The bael is beneficial in treating, hepatitis, ulcer and tuberculosis. Bael also called as wood apple is native to India. The fruit comes from the bael tree.
Ginger murabba

Ginger Murabba with Honey: Benefits and dosage.

Murabba (jam) refers to any sweet fruit preserve which is popular in many regions of Central and South Asia. This Ginger murabba can...

BEEKEEPER:What Does It Take to Be a Successful Beekeeper?

Beekeeper or apiarists is a person who keeps honey bees in beehive and practices beekeeping.General management of the bee colonies has...
Honeybees and the ecosystem - A connection of life.

Honeybees and the ecosystem – A connection of life.

Do you know the world will cease to exist if Honeybees vanish from Earth? Among the quality product that is harvested from...
Beekeeping: selection of bees & life cycle of bees

Beekeeping: Selection of bees & life cycle of bees

Selection of good quality honey bees Selection of good quality bees depending upon floral conditions and capability of...