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Ginger murabba

Ginger Murabba with Honey: Benefits and dosage.

Murabba (jam) refers to any sweet fruit preserve which is popular in many regions of Central and South Asia. This Ginger murabba can...
Apiary Management

APIARY MANAGEMENT: Placement, Inspection & Provision of fresh water of colonies in Apiary and...

Successful honey harvest requires skillful Apiary management. Which include application of knowledge and practices that will fully utilize the productive capacity of...

Can Garlic Murabba prevent form infection or new coronavirus?

We all know that garlic and honey have their own benefits. But when they're consumed together as a Murabba they can...

Ajwain Honey: Benefits and Medicinal uses

What is Ajwain? As we all know, ajwain seeds are basically used as a...

How to grow long, strong, healthy hair? Hair growth?

Everybody wish for strong, healthy and long hair. In this article we’ll look at 15 to help strengthen your strands, boost hair growth, increase hair volume and enhance the look, feel, and health of your hair. Oil|Shampoo|DIY mask|Serum|Exercise|Meditate|Sleep pattern|Deep conditioning|Satin pillow|Wide tooth comb|