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कोरोनावायरस की वजह से होनेवाले बेरोजगारों को रोजगार देगा मधुमक्खी पालन !

कोरोनावायरस की वजह से होनेवाले बेरोजगारों को रोजगार देगा मधुमक्खी पालन !

कोरोनावायरस का असर सिर्फ इंसानों के स्वास्थ्य पर ही नहीं, बल्कि यह दुनिया भर में रोजगार के लिए भी खतरनाक साबित होने वाला...
Apple cider honey vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar with Honey: weight loss, benefits and dosage

When I say vinegar, how many of you think of that transparent acidic liquid which we add to our food. If...
crystallized _Honey

Crystallized honey good or bad? what you should know

Seeing solid honey do you also think “it is expired”? Before you do anything impulsive, don’t throw it out! Your honey is...

Can Garlic Murabba prevent form infection or new coronavirus?

We all know that garlic and honey have their own benefits. But when they're consumed together as a Murabba they can...

Neem Honey- Honey that heals

Neem honey helps skin looking young, is anti-ageing, cure skin allergies, reduces acne, skin rashes, wrinkles, stimulate collagen production, purifies blood and is anti-inflammatory, also good for treatment of athlete foot and psoriasis. It’s considered effective in regulating blood sugar levels and beneficial for diabetics. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It helps boost immunity and is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory which helps people who suffer from frequent fevers, people who suffer from frequent/sudden allergic reaction can consume superbee neem honey and apply a thin layer on the skin that helps calm down the allergies and prevents bacteria from multiplying on the skin surface.